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The data provided on this site is designed to provide helpful information on the subjects listed. This site is not meant to be used, nor should be used, as a substitute to attending classes. For academic years after 2018-2019 it is recommended that you consult your professor(s) before studying the provided courses. The developer is not responsible for any information later deemed false or inaccurate and is not liable for any negative consequences caused by the use of the site. Users should be aware that courses are subject to change between academic years.

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3rd Year Summaries

Course List

*/**: Courses share the same summary file


Software Engineering

Ch1 - Introduction
Ch2 - Software Processes
Ch3 - Agile
Ch4A - Requirements Engineering
Ch4B - Requirements Gathering
Ch5A - Git Basic Commands
Ch5B - Git Cheat Sheet
Ch6A - UML1 - Use Case Diagram
Ch6B - UML2 - Class Diagram
Ch6C - UML3 - Sequence & State Diagrams
Ch6D - UML3 - Sequence Diagrams
Ch6E - UML3 - State Diagrams
Ch7 - Testing



Ch1 - Introduction
Ch2 - PPHP Syntax
Ch3 - Forms & Files
Ch4 - Sessions & Cookies
Ch5 - MySQL
Ch6 - Regular Expressions


Operating Systems 2

Ch1 - Processes
Ch2 - Memory Management
Ch3 - File Systems



Ch1 - Transport Layer
Ch2 - Routing Algorithms
Ch4 - Mail & DNS
Ch5 - Security

Lab Courses
Ch1 - Static Routing
Ch2 - Dynamic Routing
Ch3 - RIP
Ch4 - OSPF
Ch5 - VLAN



Ch1 - Creational Patterns
Ch2 - Structural Patterns
Ch3 - Behavioral Patterns
Ch4A - JavaFx
Ch4B - SceneBuilder
Ch5 - JDBC


Database 2

Summary Yes this is the entire course No you don't need that


Mobile Applications Development

Ch0 - Java Revision
Ch1 - Introduction
Ch2 - Widgets
Ch3 - Layouts
Ch4 - Intent
Ch5 - Activity LifeCycle
Ch6 - Shared Preferences
Ch7 - File Storage
Ch8 - Notification
Ch9 - SQLite
Ch10 - Fragments
Ch10ex - FragmentsManager
Ch11 - Async Tasks
Ch12 - Broadcast Receiver
Ch12ex - Wifi


Software Engineering




Operating Systems 2



Lab Courses




Database 2


Mobile Applications Development

Creative Commons Licence
J-Mrad.github.io by Jad Mrad is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.